Hexx's Study Notes

This repository displays my personal study notes across various tech subjects, showcasing my continuous learning and expertise in all things related to computer science.

View the Project on GitHub HexxKing/hexxs_study_notes

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Explore this repository — a compilation of my personal study notes spanning multiple topics from my career.

These notes cover a range of subjects, including programming languages, data structures and algorithms, networking, ops and IT.

They encapsulate my continuous learning and expertise in different fields within the tech industry, serving as a central hub of my knowledge.

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🌟 Analytical Foundation for Calculus (MAT 115)

🌟 Data Structures, Algorithms and Code Challenges

🌟 Git Commands

🌟 Ops & IT

🌟 Networking

🌟 Javascript

🌟 Python

🌟 Kaggle

🌟 Tools and Resources